In February 2006, we established our reinsurance department, led by our EVP and COO Ms. Joji Perreras and our Vice President Ms. Grace Castillo. With reinsurance operations based in our Makati branch, we are now the second largest reinsurance broker in the Philippines. Grace, who has over 18 years of experience in facultative reinsurance broking, helps drive our continued and successful expansion. With our reinsurance arm, Philinsure has capitalized its market relationships and built on the strong overseas presence of its strategic partners, which include Arthur J. Gallagher, ALESCO, HLAP and other strong offshore reinsurance brokers.
The department has registered significant revenues following the very positive response and reception by local insurers in need of professional reinsurance assistance. Our expertise in facultative reinsurance brokerage services includes:
Power & Energy
Financial Products: Bankers Blanket, Money, Employee Dishonesty and more
Marine Cargo, Hull, Protection and Indemnity
Broad-named Perils and Industrial All Risks
Complex Risk & Insurance Programs