With an increasing number of cyber criminals actively targeting small businesses, you and your customers might be at risk of a targeted cyber attack and your insurance policy most likely doesn’t cover for it.

You could be at risk of security breaches taking down your website, stealing your customers’ personal information or wiping business-critical data and not be covered for it.

Get a quote today!

Premium starts at USD20 (approx.. PhP1,100) per month.

Reach out to your Philinsure cyber risk adviser today at cybersecure@philinsure.com
or call us at +63 917 706 0397.


Get an immediate breach response in case of a suspected data or security breach with professionals helping you to minimise the breach impact.

If your data is not accessible anymore, we provide you experts to regain access, replace or restore data. If this is not possible, you get a compensation for the incurred damage.

Get reimbursed for any turnover income loss linked to and caused by the cyber event during data restauration.

If your data is not accessible and there is an extortion threat, get reimbursed for expenses linked to the extortion threat. Get help from experts in case of an extortion.
In case of a slandering or reputational damage of third parties by your organisationas a result of an incurred cyber event (hacker publishing content on your behalf), the policy covers any damage and expenses you are legally obliged to pay.

If any third-party experiences losses or damage because of your organization being hacked, get the liability claims reimbursed.
Get reimbursed for all resulting penalties and claims expenses from a data breach or security breach.
